Tim Thomas

Sam Stableford
Our furniture arrived today and my wife and I are both absolutely over the moon. Just in time for Xmas. It was very late, but Stan had a few problems earlier in the year and the container was held up in customs. Of course, we were very worried that we might not get our furniture in time for Xmas dinner, but gave Stan the benefit of the doubt and we got there in the end. I'm sure that others have also been worried and had their doubts, as any normal person would, but hang on in there as the furniture is well worth the wait. The furniture, a table with four chairs and a bespoke computer desk, arrived in good condition and the workmanship is top notch. Members of my family have been round to view the furniture and can't believe the value for money. I would buy from Stan again and would recommend Stan to friends and family. I hope that Stan's business can recover from his annushorribilis and have an annus mirabilis next year. I wish Stan and his team a merry Christmas and a happy new year.